NSWTOx Mature Workers

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October 19, 2005

ABS Article on Mature Age Workers

The ABS Year Book Australia Labour Article on Mature Age Workers. Here is an extract from there section on the characteristics on mature age workers:
"In 2003-04 there were 3.2 million mature age workers, making up a third of all employed people. Around 44% of these workers were women, the same proportion as that for all employed people. Just over a quarter (26%) of mature age workers were employed part-time, compared with 23% of employed 25-44 year olds. Men are generally less likely to work part-time than women, and this is true of mature age workers. In 2003-04, 11% of male mature age workers were employed part-time compared with 45% of their female counterparts."

Department of Ageing, Disability and Home Care

This Department provides services and promotes opportunities for older people, people with a disability and their carers to participate in the wider community and to have a better quality of life.